Inman News – Company Rebrand

New Inman News Visual Identity
New Inman News Visual Identity
Inman website and logo
Inman News New Logo and Website Design
Inman News Media Kit
Inman News Media Kit
Inman News Websites
Inman News Website, Facebook Page, and Conference Websites

Project Detail

When I was hired as Inman News’ first full-time designer, the marketing team and I decided a visual brand overhaul was needed. We worked with an outside agency to create a new visual identity system and a new corporate website which was Inman’s main product and revenue source: a syndicated real estate news and media website.

In addition to applying this new visual identity across the company, I designed the look and feel for Inman’s bi-annual Connect conferences and its myriad of specialized one-day real estate professionals conferences. For each of these events, I designed the web microsites that went up in advance of these conferences that included relevant program, speaker and registration information. I also created both online and printed promotional collateral, as well as all on-site visuals and materials, for these events.