San Francisco Conservatory of Music – New Brand

SFCM Preview Invite
Donor Invite to Preview the New SFCM Identity and Tour of the New College
SFCM Street Banners
Street Banners Promoting the New SFCM Brand and College Move
SFCM Gala Invite
Invitation to SFCM's Annual Gala Fundraising Dinner
SFCM Recruitment Ads
SFCM Recruitment Print Ads

Project Detail

Coinciding with the school’s move from the Sunset district to the downtown arts corridor, the marketing and communications team of the San Francisco Conservatory of Music (SFCM) partnered with MetaDesign to create a new visual brand for the newly built campus. This new visual identity included combining abstract imagery and elements to create a design that is emotional and expressive, like music. 

I led a small team in applying this new and exciting visual identity to SFCM’s marketing, development and educational collateral including: online and print advertisements, collegiate catalogs, annual and bi-monthly performance calendars, fundraising materials, brochures, posters, newsletters, signage and performance programs.